4 Easy Steps To Seal The Moisture in Your Natural Hair

4 Easy Steps To Seal The Moisture in Your Natural Hair


Success with Natural hair involves moisturizing your hair with water and then using sealing products to help retain that moisture until your next wash. I’ve been natural for over ten years, and the following is how I seal moisture in my Kinky Curly Afro hair to stretch out time between washes.

Start with water! 
Always begin your hair care routine by co-washing your hair (washing with conditioner instead of shampoo), washing your hair, or by simply saturating your hair with water from a spray bottle. Water is the  only substance that can actually moisturize hair and therefore it's your hair's lifeline! Water is no longer the enemy but now a trusted friend.

Use a Leave-In Conditioner

As a second step in sealing the moisture in your hair, use a cream based leave-in conditioner. Once I added a leave in conditioner to my routine I immediately saw more definition and less shed hair on wash day. As a part of my Kinky Curly Afro Diary I have used both Thank God It’s Natural Green Tea Leave-In Conditioner and Cantu Shea Butter For Natural Hair Leave-in Conditioning Cream with great results.

Seal in the moisture with oil!

Oils such as olive oil and coconut oil provide long lasting seals on our hair. After applying the leave in conditioner , use an oil based product to lock in all the moisture. When I skip this step my hair is noticeably dry more quickly. I always use Queen Sunshine Natural Beauty Products Cutie Juice Cocktail as my oil because it contains the best moisture sealing oils for natural hair!

Insure It All With Butter!

Shea butter is your hair's best friend because it softens hair, locks in moisture, plus provides definition and hold. Not a fan of Shea Butter? Any Creme product will do! You want something to act as the final step to trap all moisture in place. The whipped Shea Butter product I use as my final step is Queen Sunshine Natural Beauty Products Premium Whipped Shea Butter.

Success with Natural Hair is simple once you master the order of product application. No matter what products I’m using I always follow this order of application and always have hair that makes me feel like a Queen! Like I ca home my head up with pride:

Leave-In Conditioner
Cutie Juice Cocktail (oil)
Premium Whipped Shea Butter

How do you seal moisture in your hair? What are your favorite sealing products? Leave a comment!

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